veterans &

military families

I served on active-duty as a psychologist in the US Army for nine years, and I am continuing my service in the US Army Reserves. I am also a military spouse and I was raised in a military family. I have experienced military life from multiple vantage points – the military child whose parent was away, the service member in austere and deployed environments, the military spouse sending my spouse off to war, and the transitioning veteran.

The military community and the ability to serve those who serve have been tremendously meaningful to me. I am passionate about providing high quality psychological services to US service members, veterans, and their families. I look forward to continuing to serve the military community in private practice.

I love that service members can come from any background, any adversity, and by serving honorably in the armed forces they can transform their lives, and the lives of their family for generations to come, for the better. At the same time, military service comes with a cost – to both the service member and their loved ones. I hope that support from qualified mental health providers can help service members and their families find meaning and fulfillment in their service.

There are many free options for psychotherapy for service members, veterans, and their families, such as on-base behavioral health clinics, the US Department of Veterans Affairs, your Military Family Life Counselor (MFLC), and Military One Source. Please consider those options as well.

I may be a particularly good fit for clients looking to be able to establish a relationship with a provider you can return to, no matter where the military takes you.

I hope that tele-health will fill a need for members of the military community who would like a stable, trusting therapy relationship to which they can return as needed throughout their transient military career.

Your concerns do not need to be military-focused or military-specific for us to be a good fit to work together. The military trained me to be a “generalist,” meaning I am comfortable treating a variety of presenting concerns. I simply hope that my background will make me a more culturally competent provider for service members, veterans, and their families.

Furthermore, my experience caring for those exposed to the extreme stress of military service has equipped me with the skills to care for a broad array of folks and concerns, particularly law enforcement and first responders. If you think we might be a good fit, please contact me for a free consultation!